Customer Story

Les Mousquetaires: Pioneering Retail Finance Transformation with AI-Driven Cash Flow Management

In the competitive landscape of European retail, Groupe Les Mousquetaires stands out with a groundbreaking achievement. The company, owning over 4000 stores across various brands, has taken a significant leap in financial management by deploying an innovative AI application, Cash Flow Management (CFM), developed using Taipy.

Vincent GosselinVincent Gosselin
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In the competitive landscape of European retail, Groupe Les Mousquetaires stands out with a groundbreaking achievement. The company, owning over 4000 stores across various brands, has taken a significant leap in financial management by deploying an innovative AI application, Cash Flow Management (CFM), developed using Taipy.


Groupe Les Mousquetaires, as a major player in the European retail sector, generating over 50 billion Euros in revenue and operating 7 distinct brands, faced a complex challenge in managing its cash flows. The complexity is particularly pronounced due to its franchised business model, involving multiple streams of cash flow.

The Challenge

The company's financial department had to adeptly manage about 20 different cash flow streams. These included outbound cash flows like purchases of goods from suppliers, buying gas from providers, and acquiring raw materials for the group's plants. Inbound cash flows included payments received from franchisees (for goods, gas), and from the Plants (for raw materials). Predicting these cash flows accurately, especially for a period of three months ahead, was a critical yet challenging task.

The Solution: Cash Flow Management (CFM)

To address this, the IT Department of Groupe Les Mousquetaires, STIME, developed CFM. This AI-powered application dramatically improved the prediction of daily cash flow for the subsequent three months. By leveraging the capabilities of Taipy, CFM's AI engine provided highly accurate forecasts, essential for the company's financial strategy.

Operational Impact

CFM quickly became a vital Decision Support System for the treasurer’s team. It enabled the creation of various cash flow scenarios on a weekly basis, accounting for factors like inflation or pandemic impacts. These scenarios helped in crafting an informed "official" scenario each week, guiding crucial financial decisions.

Financial Implications

With CFM’s precise forecasts, Groupe Les Mousquetaires can now make smarter decisions about managing its cash position. For periods predicting negative cash positions, the company can plan for debt acquisition, whereas positive forecasts allow for the strategic allocation of funds in interest-bearing accounts.

Collaboration and Technological Innovation

CFM is not just a forecasting tool but also a collaborative platform. It enables various stakeholders to contribute and compare scenarios, ensuring a comprehensive approach to financial planning. The use of Taipy for developing the application’s front-end and back-end all in Python highlights the versatility and effectiveness of modern technology in addressing complex business needs.

I've got to say, diving into the CFM project with Taipy was a game-changer for us. It's this Python platform that really sits at the heart of everything we've done. The cool part? We got our front-end and back-end up and running incredibly fast, and that's saying something because we were pretty new to Taipy. It's kind of amazing. And when you pair Taipy with Databricks, it's like they're two pieces of a puzzle that just fit perfectly together. We're already looking at how we can use them for our next big AI and data projects. They just work so well together!

Stephane LerayManager at STIME Datalabs


Groupe Les Mousquetaires’ deployment of CFM is a landmark in the realm of retail financial management. This initiative, at the intersection of AI and collaborative technology, has not only streamlined the company’s cash flow prediction but also set a new benchmark in the retail industry. It exemplifies the transformative potential of innovative technology solutions in meeting the evolving challenges of the retail sector.

Vincent GosselinVincent Gosselin
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