As part of its Fall World conference tour, Taipy attended The Big Data and AI Show Toronto BDAI Toronto, last October 6th and 7th.
It is Canada’s number 1 event dedicated exclusively to AI, Data Science, and its impact on the economy and our coders' daily lives. Over 150 sessions took place within the Metro Toronto Convention Center. Big Data and AI brought together a new generation of leading AI players (Databricks, Dataiku, DataRobot, Snowflake), established companies such as Microsoft.), not to mention a whole host of pioneering start-ups.

Taipy teams had a blast talking and connecting with Pythonistas, Data Scientists, Architects, and Heads of Data Science groups across the industry at #BDAIT Toronto.
We were excited to demonstrate Taipy’s groundbreaking capabilities combining simplicity to code with powerful GUI and Backend frameworks.
The visitors were impressed with how quickly a complete Python application (ranging from a pure data presentation dashboard to the most complex ML pipelines) can be developed & deployed in a short time.

Taipy was one of the busiest booths for our first appearance at the conference, and we got great feedback from a constant flow of visitors showing high interest in the product. On Thursday, Taipy did a 30min product tutorial, followed on Friday by the presentation of a customer use case (a leader in the fast food industry). Both have been great successes with excellent attendance!

Thank you to the BDAI Toronto organizers, and the many visitors who came to meet us!

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