
How to Host Your Taipy App on PythonAnywhere

Eric NarroEric Narro
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Deploying Python applications can often be a complex task, especially when compared to the relative ease of deploying NodeJS or PHP applications.

However, PythonAnywhere has emerged as a popular platform that simplifies this process, making it particularly accessible for hosting Python web-based applications.

While Python frameworks such as Django or Flask are commonly used, deploying Streamlit applications on PythonAnywhere poses a challenge as they are not supported by the platform. This article explores how Taipy, a library designed to create deployable Python applications, can be effectively hosted on PythonAnywhere.

By leveraging Flask, which is well-supported on PythonAnywhere, we can deploy Taipy applications with ease. This guide will walk you through the process of converting a Taipy app to run as a Flask app, setting up a PythonAnywhere environment, and successfully running your application, ensuring you can showcase and share your Python projects effortlessly.

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Eric NarroEric Narro
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